

Brain Injury Lawyers

Get Help From A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

r Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an unfortunate, and all-too-common consequence of serious accidents. The brain is the body’s functional center; its physical and mental control room. Damage to the brain can have lasting, all-encompassing effects on the life of the injured.

For example, a TBI can negatively impact the memory center of the injured’s brain, causing the injured person to be incapable of forming new long-term memories. This can stop them from working and even prevent them from developing meaningful personal relationships.

If you’ve been in an accident that caused you to suffer a traumatic brain injury, then you may be entitled to significant damages. Here at 1-800-THE-LAW2, our attorneys can help you with the litigation process. Consultation is free and confidential, so don’t delay. Call or fill out a form today.

What Is A Traumatic Brain Injury?

The brain can be inflicted with a variety of traumas, whether from a blunt force impact or uncontrolled tumor spread. These traumas have a range of symptoms, some more lasting and impactful than others. Collectively, these issues fall within the umbrella term: traumatic brain injury.

Common causes of traumatic brain injury include (but are not limited to):

  • Blunt force impact 
  • Penetrative injury 
  • Internal bleeding 
  • Stroke 
  • Infection
  • Hypoxia 
  • Tumors 
  • Spinal fluid leakage 
  • Degenerative disease 
  • And more

For example, you may experience movement deficits if someone punches you in the back of the head, or if you have a stroke that damages that same part of the brain. The cause is different, but the symptoms may be quite similar.

Consequences Of Traumatic Brain Injury

Symptoms vary depending on the nature of the injury, from its severity to the medical profile of the injured individual (i.e., preexisting conditions, etc.), and various other factors.

Common symptoms of brain injury include, but are not limited to:

  • Movement impairments (i.e., smoothness, balance, etc.)
  • Sensory impairments (i.e., hearing, visual, etc.) 
  • Speech impairments 
  • Emotional impairments (i.e., aggression, disinterest, depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • Regular headaches 
  • Seizures 
  • Nausea/Dizziness 
  • Fatigue 
  • Insomnia 
  • Fainting 
  • Coma 
  • And more

Severe symptoms can have life-changing consequences, and as a result, there may be significant damages associated with TBI. For example, if you sustain a traumatic brain injury in an accident, then you may be disabled, and therefore rendered incapable of ever working again. The loss of earnings from all future working years would add up to substantial compensation.

Maximizing Compensation After An Accident

Given the range of impairments and deficits that a traumatic brain injury can cause, it’s critical that you do everything you can to maximize the available compensation. Those who find themselves with a TBI often struggle through challenging financial, physical, and psychological circumstances. Obtaining the maximum possible compensation can help to secure valuable resources on the road to a truly comprehensive recovery.

Potential damages include:

  • Medical expenses 
  • Wage loss 
  • Loss of earning capacity 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Property loss 
  • Punitive damages 
  • And more 

Skilled attorneys understand how to maximize compensation.

For example, suppose that you are injured in a car accident, and have sustained a TBI. The TBI prevents you from engaging in recreational sporting activities, which constituted a significant portion of your social life prior to the accident.

Simply put, recreational sports was your “identity” prior to the accident. As a result of not being able to participate, you become depressed and lose many friends. The loss of enjoyment of your life can be — to some extent — quantified and claimed as part of your damages, thus pushing up your total compensation even higher.

What Can A Brain Injury Lawyer Do To Help?

It’s common for many first-time plaintiffs to assume that they can handle their legal case their own, without the assistance of an attorney. This is an incorrect assumption, however.

After a brain injury, especially a TBI, most injury victims are in a position of vulnerability. Their life may be thrown into disarray as they navigate the challenges of losing their job, recovering from the physical and mental consequences of their injury, and more. On top of this, their financial losses can add up to millions of dollars.

Brain injury lawyers can provide assistance throughout the litigation process. They can (and will) do the following on your behalf:

  • Investigate the facts of the case 
  • Gather and preserve valuable evidence 
  • Begin negotiations with the defendant 
  • Speak to insurance companies on your behalf 
  • Develop persuasive legal arguments 
  • Guide you through court hearings and trial (if necessary) 
  • And more 

It is critical that you seek legal representation. As the injured party, your focus should be on your recovery. Meanwhile, your attorney can focus on obtaining the compensation you need to help you along that journey.

Brain injury plaintiffs often find themselves in financially (and physically) vulnerable circumstances, and confused as to how to proceed with their claims. They may understand that legal representation will be useful, but refrain from seeking out such representation. This is a lost opportunity, as the injured plaintiff may be entitled to significant damages.

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Contact an Experienced Lawyer

If you’ve suffered losses due to another’s fault, then the law may entitle you to sue the responsible parties and recover damages as compensation. As the case develops, however, you may find that it is more complex — and more challenging — than you initially thought.

We can connect you to an experienced attorney who has the skillset and experience necessary to handle your case. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.